Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Roses & Silver"

14" x 11" oil on stretched canvas.
On October 11th, my husband and I sang at the wedding of our friends, Kiwanis and Tim. These flowers were part of an elegant centerpiece from our table at the reception. Congratulations, Kiwi and Tim!


Kathleen Hebert said...

Hi Pamela:
My student told me about your site. Your paintings are just lovely!!! I've added your blog to my blog links. - Kathy

Pamela Nichols said...

Thank you K.L. and Kathy. Helen Van Wyk is my inspiration and my teacher, and I can see her influence in your writing and in your paintings, Kathy. Your kind words are gratifying, and I am honored to be added to your blog!

Kathleen Hebert said...

Hi Pamela:
I have just tagged you!!!
The rules are:
1. Put a link to the person who tagged you.
2. List 7 unusual things about yourself.
3. Send this to 7 bloggers and comment to let them know.

You don't have to do this but it is a great way to get to know people. - Kathy

Kiwi said...

The roses & silver are gorgeous! Of course, I'm lucky enough to own this original. The style and technique are beautiful. Everyday this painting reminds me of my wedding, but more importantly your generosity and beautiful spirit. Thank you again! Kiwi